
Sunday, December 20, 2015

रॉकेट मॅन

एकशे वीस माईल्स, म्हणजे १२० इन टू १.६, माईल्स आणि कि.मी.च गणित मांडायची सवय जाण्याचं तसं काही कारण नाही. परत किलोमीटरमध्ये लांबच्या गोष्टी आणीच लांब वाटतात.

असो,  नासा, केनेडी स्पेस सेंटर, फ्लोरिडा - अंतर जवळपास दोनशे किलोमीटर.

अरे वोह एडविन ऑल्ड्रिन आ रहे हैं, बुक साईनिंग हैं। आओगे क्या आप ?
सुबह साडे नौ से साडे दस तक टाईम लिखा हैं ।
अगदी परवाच प्रशांतने विचारलं होतं, आणि हो, नक्की म्हणून, लगेच प्लॅनही  झाला होता.
सुबह जल्दी निकलते हैं, सेपरेट कार्स. सिधे वही मिलेंगे ।
डन !

मी गाडी बाहेर काढली तेव्हा सकाळचे साडेसात वाजून गेले होते. गुगल मॅप्स पोहोचायची वेळ ९.२५ दाखवत होता. आज तर अगदी गाणी लावायलाही वेळ नव्हता. हायवेला लागायच्या आधीच्या, त्यातल्या त्यात संथ ट्राफिक मध्ये ते काम केले आणि आता हायवे, रस्ता थँकफुली तसा मोकळाच होता, जय गुगल आणि हैक हैक करोला !

जरा सीटमध्ये स्थिरावलो, लहानपणीच्या अगदी ठळक आठवणींमध्ये चंद्रावर पोचलेली जोडी अगदी सगळ्यांना पाठ असे. कुठल्याही बॅेकवर्ड गोष्टीची अवहेलना "अरे माणूस चंद्रावर जाउन पोचला आणि … " अशा सुरुवातीने करण्याइतपत ही घटना ताजी होती. खरं तर चवथी पर्यंतच्या शिक्षणातील एवढी एकच घटना मला अगदी भव्य वाटायची. आणि आज त्या दोघांपेकी एकाला भेटणार होतो ….त्यांची सही घेणार होतो… भेटी लागी जीव म्हणजे काय याचा अनुभव घेत होतो. अगदी नेहमीप्रमाणे गाडी क्रुझ कंट्रोल वर टाकून आरामात जावं हा विचारही नकोसा वाटत होता !

I -७५ सोडून I-४ वर आलो,  विषम म्हणजे उत्तर दक्षिण जाणारा रस्ता आणि सम आकडा म्हणजे पूर्व पश्चिम.  त्यामुळे समोरच एव्हाना उन्हं वर यायला लागली होती आणि मॅप्स, अरायव्हल टाईम अजूनही साडेनऊ च्या आसपास दाखवत होता, हुश्श आणि गुड !  सही घेतलेले एक पुस्तक शाळेला भेट देऊयात हे नक्की केले होते, म्हणून कि काय पण वेळेत पोहोचणे अगदी जबाबदारी वाटायला लागली होती . दोन शब्द बोलूयात जमलं तर, ते अगदी हसून हाय म्हंटले तरी कित्ती छान !

काय वाटत असेल ? पृथ्वी सोडून अनंताकडे झेपावताना ? म्हणजे तशी कशाचीच गॅरंटी नाही, नवं अवकाश संशोधन तंत्रज्ञान म्हणजे काही जीव कामी येण्याची शक्यता, ते तसे आलेही होते मिशनपूर्वी. मग अगदी निघताना काय भावना असतील ? नको म्हणावं वाटलं असेल का ? एवढं कुठे विचारता येणार आहे आणि पण विचार करून पहा खरंच, कितीही जात पात, पक्ष, धर्म , विचार यांनी विभागलेलो असलो तरीपण राहतो ती पृथ्वी कॉमन आहे आणि तशी ती गृहीतही धरलेली असते. तीच सोडून निघायचं म्हणजे …

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m.
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
rocket man …।
- Elton John / Bernie Taupin ("Rocket Man")


आता भीतीची पाखरं आहेत खरं
आणि फारंच मोठा प्रवास असणार आहे हा
पण परत आल्यावर मग,
माझं मलाच कळेल
घरच्यांना वाटतो तसा कोणी मी नाहीये ….
मी आहे … रॉकेट मॅन !

एकदा I-४ सोडून टोल रोड पकडला कि रस्ता आणि आणिकच पिक्चरेस्क होत जातो, एव्हाना नऊ वाजून गेले होते, दरम्यान प्रशांतचा पोचल्याचा फोनही येऊन गेला होता.  अमेरिकेचा लेजेण्डरी यु एस  राउट वन हा जवळपास चार हजार किमी लांबीचा रस्ताही जवळूनच जातो. त्याच्या आसपासचा नासाकडे जाणारा रस्ता म्हणजे अक्षरशः स्वर्गीय आहे.

आता नासाच्या खुणा सर्वत्र दिसू लागल्या होत्या, नासाला जाणा-या रस्त्याचे नावही नासा पार्कवे आहे.

पोचलो !

सिक्युरिटी क्लिअर करून अगदी पळतच अटलांटीस बिल्डींगपाशी पोचलो, तर तिथे चंद्रावर जाऊन आलेल्या माणसाचा इतका साधा बोर्ड लावला होता …

कि फ्लेक्स ची सवय करून घेतल्यामुळे इतके नवल वाटतेय ?
माणूस चंद्रावर पोचला म्हणजे सगळे चंद्रावर पोचले असं कुठेय !
आपल्यापुरतं आपण आजपासून आणि जास्त नम्रपणे वागायचं …

तर, प्रशांतला भेटलो आणि मग काय थोड्या वेळातच समोर तो ! चंद्रावर गेलेला माणूस …. अगदी लहानपणी पुस्तकातून भेटलेला पहिला हिरो ! आता अगदी समोर आहे … बझ ऑल्ड्रिन वय वर्ष ८५.

पुस्तकं घेतली, आणि समोर गेलो …

एक पुस्तक शाळेला देणार ते सांगितले
बझ : Where are you from ?
मी : Pune, India , Do you know Mumbai ?
बझ : Yes, I know Mumbai

त्यांच्या असिस्टंटने बझचा एक कलीग कुणी सौरव भारतातला आहे ते सांगितले ….

मग मी बझना  भारतात मुलांना ते माहित आहेत ते सांगितले …
फोटो काढले …

त्यांनी सही करतानाही काहीही न खरडता लफ्फेदार बझ ऑल्ड्रिन अशी छान सही केली

आणि मी मग एकूणच तिथेच शेजारी उभा राहून तो क्षण आणि काही वेळ शांतपणे अनुभवला ….
चंद्रावर जाउन आलेला माणूस चक्क माझ्याशी बोलला होता ….
थँक्स इंग्लिश !

घरी फोन करून सांगितले …
मग निघालो

सकाळच्या उत्सुकतेची जागा आता भारावालेपणाने घेतली होती,
ते साधेपणाचं  भारावलेलंपण आता परतीच्या रस्ताभर पुरणार होतं !

हो, आणि जाता जाता ….
पृथ्वी ते चंद्र … २,३८,९०० माईल्स …. ३,८२,२४० किमी


Friday, May 04, 2012

Why are we so proud of our nation ?

             Pride should always be balanced by the reality of the reason for that pride. Now when we say we are proud of our country shouldn’t we take a look around and find what did we invent of the thousands of (really useful) things around us? The 100s of types of plastic this computer/mobile is made up of, or the chipset on which it runs or the operating system that makes so many things possible? or the rubber that is in your tires or the engine that drives you to everywhere, Let alone the vaccinations that have literally made you live this far or the life saving drugs that some of us have used, What has India invented? So why the hell are we proud of India so much? Why facebook is filled with how everything, yes everything has its root in India, that is not even “past”glory that is “false” glory.
                We are the people who however educated might be are ready to play loud music near hospitals in countless of our festivals and marriages. We put caste first in several of our decisions. And let’s not even talk about how many of us believe that stars and planets hundreds of light years away have the ability to affect our lives. Of the thousand things that we use from when we wake up till we sleep what did we really come up with first? From the tooth brush to clean water from LPG to motor engine to railway to paper to a simple zipper or anything small and big what has India really invented? What is our contribution to humanity? A culture that forbids alcohol consumption eventually to give way to “social drinking” or is it the relentless rant about how our Vedic books have all the knowledge in the world? It’s one thing to be working in Microsoft and Google and whole other to come up with a company like them. Doesn’t it ever get annoying when people (falsely) say most of NASA is Indians and so are most of Google and Microsoft?
                Our country could be great but then great countries make sure that every innocent life that is lost is accounted for, we lost 160+ people on 26/11, by terrorists shooting randomly, and next day we went to offices and somehow that signifies the spirit of the nation? How? And if it does what is that spirit? You can’t stop us? Of course no one can stop us we are a billion. But isn’t every life as precious as the billion-1 lives are? How can we get mad at a nation that protects its people by strictly implementing the security policies at their airports? Just because he is a Bollywood star? Shouldn’t we implement our own security procedures as strictly as they do? Why do we get so emotional about something that is just plain practical?
                Yes we have one of the best space programs there is, we do, but what do we do with all the satellites that we launch? How much of our crop still is at the mercy of the weather which can be predicted to almost pin point detail by all those satellites and all those super computers we built.  Why are we using most of the essential infrastructure and time for accommodating meaningless entertainment and news channels can we really afford that?
                And yet, facebook is filled with posts telling how our nation is the best, how our Vedas and other books have some truly essential knowledge. But haven’t the developed nations have developed without this “culture” and these “books”? How did they do it? And if you say that, eh the way they live is just not correct or India somehow has better living standards you are missing the point.
                The point is, of the 100 things you use around you right now, if you cannot point out single one that is invented in India or you feel its “chalta hain” for people to stay on footpaths and get run over to their deaths by the Bollywood “Stars”, we clearly have a long way to go and just by saying we already invented everything in some ancient books is just plain hypocrisy.

Monday, July 11, 2011



मी माफ करायचं ठरवलंय
ज्यांच्या मागे वेड्यासारखं धावलो ... धावतो
त्याचं सोयरसुतक नसलेल्या दगडांना.

मी माफ करायचं ठरवलयं
केसांनी गळा कापनाऱ्यांना
पाठीत खंजीर खुपसानाऱ्यांना
शब्दांनी रक्तबंबाळ करणाऱ्यांना...

ज्यांनी त्रास दिला त्यांनाही .. माफ ..
आणि प्रेमाने बांधून पंख कापू पाहिले त्यांनाही माफ
जे दुरूनच हसत होते त्यांनाही माफ
जे जवळ येऊन डिवचून गेले त्यांनाही माफ

आता सगळ्यांनाच माफ करतोय तर
वेळी नाही म्हणू न शकलेल्या
आणि कितीदा हवं तेव्हा हो न म्हणू शकलेल्या
न येणाऱ्यांची वाट बघत
आयुष्याच्या बऱ्याचश्या वळणांवर थांबून मागे बघणाऱ्या,
जे मला आवडतात त्यांच्यासाठी
ज्यांना मी आवडतो त्यांच्यावर
अन्याय करणाऱ्या, स्वतःलाही
आज माफ करायचं ठरवलंय.
-(निखिल पुरवंत)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kho Na Jaaye Ye …

I must say, we were underprepared, equipment wise and emotionally too, So when Ashwini, the 7th standard so girl from Varoti told us that her performance involves dance on a particular song that we did not have in our mobiles, we told her “May be, you register your name now and we will review your performance in the next week”, She hesitated for a minute but eventually her enthusiasm seemed to overpower the shyness,

“But I can sing while I dance”, she said and we allowed her to perform. And that she did, She sung like she was stand still and she danced like she is dancing to some music that is being played just for her, singing and dancing both at the same time. This is Ashwini Singing and dancing and what the scorecard changed like.

“Never go in with preconceived notion”, one of the many things corporate life seemed to have taught us and we all (as we should) try not to be judgmental before having a look,


Tell me, can you expect children who walk almost 6-7 kilometers to school, many of them barefoot, to come up with such stunning performances and such beautiful expressions …

Have a look,

The occasion was the qualifying rounds for the Talent Hunt 2010 organized by Pune Outreach. We visited almost 8 schools in the remote areas, about 60-70 Kms from Pune during the weekend and everywhere the story was the same, these children were coming up with displays of skills that were just mind blowing, Outreach does provide them with stationary and other means to help them continue their education but this was something very new to many of us.

Where was the stress of not knowing where to go after (if) they complete school? Where was the sense of uncertainty about what they’d find on the road back home (and If that road will be there if it rains)? No shoes and nothing to keep them warm on the cold, cold school tiles they sit on? Can you feel any of that in his expression?

What got them so much joyous was the time we spent with them and the way we appreciated them, otherwise why’d they travel to school on Sundays just to meet us?

Something we have learnt through visits to these remote places around Pune, that, In addition to stationary and uniforms and basic medicines and foot ware these children need your time, they need to be told they can do great things with their lives with what minimal that they have, They need to be motivated, So …

That is what we have set to do with Talent Hunt 2010, we are going to give them some time, give them a perspective of the world they can reach if they continue their education, fighting mountainous obstacles in their way,

Let’s try to clear every doubt they might have, answer all their questions,

We are going to get some of these kids to Pune for 2 days and have sports and cultural competition amongst them to give these little stars a chance to shine in front of a larger audience, an audience which then can spread the word and get more help for them.

You all are invited, to celebrate with kids and but before that You all are invited to volunteer with Outreach to arrange the event, At least for some of these kids, we can make sure that,

Kho na jaaye ye,

Taarein zamin par.

Thank you.

-Nikhil D. Purwant

*Pictures by Nikhil D. Purwant & Sonali Patil